Initial ideas (2016)

Initial ideas (2016)

WHat this project means for me

After years of drawing out my ideas manually I had recognized the need to learn some 3D modeling. I had a sketch I ended up really enjoying and wanted to expand on it, but with minimal free time to devote, I didn’t. So I took every step I could think of, from drafting it manually in all views, to rendering it in Photoshop and eventually modeling it, so I could really “see” it. This is a project solely for myself, to learn and explore.


2017 First draft

For about a year it stayed a sketch but once I knew what I wanted to do with it, I made these orthogonal plans. At the time this was as close as I could get it to a mental model.

The learning curve was steep to say the least so getting it to a place with some recognizable form was a milestone day.

The learning curve was steep to say the least so getting it to a place with some recognizable form was a milestone day.

Ryutai translates to “fluidity”, the concept for the form was to leave it’s immediate environment as unaffected possible while in motion.

Ryutai translates to “fluidity”, the concept for the form was to leave it’s immediate environment as unaffected possible while in motion.

2018 Program Knowledge & Refinement

Worked over form and began to further refine program knowledge to fix initial mistakes. I began to think about the internals and questioned scale so I added the internal form to the list of requirements.

Obsessing over the exhaust solution here, trying to incorporate mechanical exposure wherever possible.

Obsessing over the exhaust solution here, trying to incorporate mechanical exposure wherever possible.


Taking on the internal mechanics, creating a cockpit and working with textures and lighting.


I’d like to get this to a physical creation point in the near future, probably with the aid of 3D printing first. Also the interior and most of the functional mechanics will be filled to continue learning new, more complex, 3D assets.